Join exceptional sailing expeditions to help marine exploration, conservation & education

Regular people can join a crew at sea to observe, document, learn and communicate about marine exploration and conservation on these expedition sailing trips.

All trips stem from an ethos of conservation and education, whether adventure sailing, citizen science-based, or hard science with institutions. On Sea Dragon, the expedition vessel, professional leaders work alongside visiting crew as one team, providing valuable manpower, skills and financial support for the broader mission.

While not all legs now collect data, the conversation, lifestyle aboard and way of tourism is never separate from the broad term of marine conservation.

Pangaea Exploration shares a strong belief with marine conservation leader J.Y. Cousteau,

“Il faut aller voir” - “We must go and see for ourselves”


Be an Earth Changer:

Join an Expedition

Trips include formal scientific and conservation expeditions as well as adventure sailing voyages and occasional private charter. Many crew successfully fundraise the amount required to join an expedition, through friends and family or gaining local company sponsorship.

Your contribution covers your board and also supports vital ongoing efforts in world marine conservation research.

More trip dates & details below.

The Places

  • Join exceptional sailing and ocean conservation expeditions for typically 7-21 days.

  • Adventure, learn and build skills hands-on in marine exploration & conservation.

  • Accommodation for up to 10 guest passengers in single berths.

  • Fully equipped for exploration, research, telecommunication and medical needs.

  • Prior sailing experience helpful, but not required to support expert crew.

The boat is designed to support a full crew for months, can transit any of the world’s oceans and can travel to and operate in remote unsupported locations.

+ Overview

Sea Dragon, formerly known as CB 37, is a 72ft/22m, 90,000lb displacement steel hulled sailing vessel built in the UK in 2000. She is 1 of 12 second generation yachts built for the Global Challenge Race. Designed to safely handle the world’s worst sailing conditions, Sea Dragon is set up for volunteer crew with limited sailing experience.

+ Accommodation

Accommodation for up to 10 guest passengers in single berths. There are two heads (toilets) with showers, a large well stocked galley, and a comfortable salon with seating for 14 people.

Air conditioning makes life down below very pleasant in the tropics, while a drying room sorts out any wet clothes. A refrigerator and freezer keep the crew in fresh food for the duration of the voyage, along with on-board fresh water making.

All meals on board are delicious and vegetarian, with the addition of fish if caught along the way.

+ Facilities

Exploration: The boat is equipped for coastal exploration with two Avon inflatable boats and a scuba compressor with diving equipment.

Research vessel: Lab space, dissecting microscope, surface net trawling capability, and working deck space.

Power: With extensive sails, extended fuel reserves and almost 1kw of wind/solar power long-range unsupported journeys are substantially lower cost than traditionally shared research voyages on large motor vessels and ships.

Communications: The vessel is equipped with twin iridium satellite phones, HF radio, and all the modern navigation equipment to keep you safe and connected despite being well offshore.

Medical: There is extensive on board medical capability and remote expert support through Medical Support Offshore.

+ Activities

See first-hand how high seas research, coastal conservation, education, marine filming and other work is done.

Work conducted on board has included water sampling, remote island surveys of conservation issues, diving and underwater video, offshore plastics sampling and collection, water quality monitoring and student educational trips.

You will be hands-on sail rigging, navigation, watches, route planning, weather analysis, radio communications, maintenance and all the basic duties of running an ocean sailing vessel.

Pangaea Exploration seeks out areas with higher than normal garbage loads and counts on beaches and transects - trawling the sea with a fine net – to analyse volume and categorise the plastic contents.

Partnerships: Pangaea Exploration works with several international organizations such as eXXpedition, 5 Gyres Institute and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as well as universities and research centres, in marine exploration, research, training and conservation to improve the world’s oceans’ water quality, health, marine life and access. They aim to inspire and develop a new generation of leaders in conservation science, communication, education, art and policy leadership, as well as provide informative and enjoyable ocean sailing expeditions to guest crew.

Plastic: Sea Dragon is working long-term with organisation ‘5-Gyres’ and their partners to document the amount of floating debris in our world’s oceans: Plastic debris from our modern society accumulate on beaches and in great concentrations in the seas’ “gyres” - the centres of oceanic currents. The Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic is the best known gyre, with a legendary ability to trap ships.


The People

  • Two British RYA Yachtmaster certified crew lead the boat

  • Strong learning environment.

  • Attitude, team skills and commitment are important pre-requisites.

  • As a member of the crew, you join in all aspects of sailing and life aboard.

The experienced crew has covered over 185,000 nautical miles for over 10 years building an excellent reputation for safe, effective & efficient sailing voyages.

Sea Dragon and her crew have sailed tens of thousands miles across 2 oceans; the Atlantic and the Pacific; and 3 seas; the Caribbean, Sargasso and Irish, supporting important marine conservation work. They have completed scientific surveys of all these waters and the effect that this build up of waste in our waters has on our ecosystem.

For existing projects, a tailored cost-effective support solution for teams of up to 12 on extended journeys can be developed, either exclusively, or opened to paying visitor crew providing valuable support and finances for the work.

The Purpose

There is a three-part mission:

  1. To actively strengthen the health of marine life through Exploration, Conservation and Education work.

  2. To inspire and develop a new generation of leaders in conservation science, communication, education, art and policy leadership.

  3. To provide informative and enjoyable Ocean sailing expeditions to guest crew.

+ Ocean Conservation

Pangaea Explorations works on projects across many areas of marine conservation to protect the fundamental health of the world’s oceans which make up the biodiversity of 75% of the planet’s surface and ecosystem services.

The role is to help bring threats to scientists, policy makers, commercial leaders and everyday citizens, and to support, enable, connect and, sometimes, lead the many talented people working on marine conservation worldwide.

Our increasing world population and rise in living standards is pushing species to the brink of collapse. As the world’s production and consumption increase, so does chemical and debris pollution, plastics in particular, interrupting foraging and breeding, and destroying habitats.

Where the local appearance of issues may vary, underlying threats are common worldwide:

  • Chemical pollution and debris, from toxics to the famous ‘garbage gyres’ of the open sea.
  • Water temperature changes and acidification due to increased atmospheric CO2 disrupting lifecycles in key marine species like corals.
  • Sea level rise inundating and changing coastal habitat (and land based pollution/debris).
  • Over exploitation and destructive harvesting techniques, depressing natural populations.
  • Increasing separation between our daily lives and the health of marine ecosystems.

People eat fish which eat smaller fish which, along with other plants and animals at the bottom of the food chain, absorb toxic chemicals trickled into the environment from sources such as factories, farms, homes, cars and plastics from every country: Fish studies are thus relevant to environmental and human diet and consequences, including birth defects and toxicity in adults world over.

Marine plastics threaten the existence of birds and wildlife, which are caught up in or killed by consumption. The scale of the problem is huge – one estimate is more than 70 million pounds of plastic are spread throughout the world’s gyres, with a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die each year from getting tangled up in, and/or eating plastic.

As Co2 in the planet’s atmosphere grows and is absorbed by the seas, ocean acidification increases, damaging marine ecosystems and threatening species and food chains with likely extinctions.

“The trash we throw in our neighbourhood gutter can devastate rare wildlife half a world away”

We have powerful options for rejuvenation and restoration: Real choices in our daily lifestyles and consumer behaviour can employ technology, tools and techniques to drastically reduce energy, materials, chemicals and choose to improve ocean policies, governance, enforcement and resource management. The fundamental challenge is our collective will to act. People around the world remain remarkably, tragically, un-informed and un-engaged, and most people have little direct contact with the ocean.

Trip Options & Rates

Awards & Accreditations

2010 Practical Boat Owner Green Award - Winner

Minimum age is usually 16 years.
If you represent a group and would like a private trip, get in touch for a bespoke expedition!

Trips include:
- Accommodation nights as per itinerary
- All meals, snacks, and drinks on board
- Sailing instruction
- Safety equipment and foul weather gear

Trip prices exclude:
- Transportation to and from sailing start and end point
- Transportation to and from the boat in port
- Additional nights spent ashore
- Personal expenses while in port
- Travel insurance

All trips have limited availability due to limited number of berths: Sign up quick!

*NB. The top marine conservation trips are: North Pacific Gyre (plastics) and Palmyra Explorer. The North West coast US trips can also offer great marine mammal sightings.
Other legs don't have more formal conservation content, though all trips carry the general ethos and conversations.

Please look into the specific type of visa you need for arriving at the destinations by sea: or contact to discuss.
You need to have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board. 

5 May - 18 May, 2024 | Bermuda Bound | Key West, Florida - Bermuda | 14 days, 13 nts | $4950.

Bermuda Bound : sail from Key West, Florida -to Bermuda

Bermuda Bound : sail from Key West, Florida -to Bermuda

Join Sea Dragon at the southernmost point in the US to sail through the Bermuda triangle! This is a bluewater offshore passage, starting with riding the Gulf Stream north of the Bahamas, before finding the Atlantic Ocean. Make contact with Bermuda Radio and your way through the cut into St George’s, where you’ll anchor in the well protected harbour loved by sailors. Time to explore! Rent scooters to tour the island, head over to Tobacco Bay to snorkel, visit the Swizzle Inn, or many more options in this wonderful spot!

+ More Details - click here

Start: Day 1: Arrive Board Sea Dragon between 1500-1700 at Stock Island Marina.

Day 2: Safety Briefing/Exploration Today is a day for going through safety briefings and getting prepped to set sail. You’ll also have some time to wander into town to have a last meal or cold drink ashore, or spend some time at the beach. Spend the night on the dock.

Day 3: Set Sail for Bermuda Have a hearty breakfast before getting off the dock and setting sail.

Day 4-9: Underway All will settle into the watch rotation and life at sea will start to take shape and the lovely rhythm will be simple. There will be time for reading, practicing celestial navigation and keeping a lookout for seabirds and marine mammals.

Day 10: Arrive Bermuda Head through St George’s Town cut into the harbor and tie up to the customs dock. After clearing in, anchor in the harbor and get ready to explor wille - you will have earned a cold drink and a nice meal ashore!

Day 11-13: Bermuda These days are for adventuring and seeing what Bermuda has to offer. From land to sea there are many attractions and draws on this Atlantic island. Rent a scooter, ride the bus, or take off on foot!

End Day 14: Depart Sea Dragon You will leave the boat by 0900 in St George’s Harbor.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Key West Airport is a short taxi or Uber ride from Stock Island Marina. L.F. Wade International Airport is a 10 min taxi or bus from St George’s Harbor.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Bermuda.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

26 May - 16 Jun, 2024 | Finding France | Bermuda - St. Pierre - Newfoundland | 22 days, 21 nts | $5950

Sail Bermuda - St. Pierre - Newfoundland

sail Bermuda - St. Pierre - Newfoundland

This trip has blue water sailing, as well as coastal navigation. Sail north from Bermuda over the Grand Banks to arrive in St. Pierre, one of two French islands 15NM off the south coast of Newfoundland. Good food, rich history and puffins are all a treat here. Hop the short distance to Fortune into Canada and explore the south coast of Newfoundland. This spectacular cruising ground is seldom visited and offers much; gorgeous fjords, hiking, waterfalls, wildlife and remote outports. Take your time anchorage hopping before heading up the east coast to St. John’s.

+ More Details - click here

Start: Day 1: Arrive Board the boat in St Georges harbor between 1500-1700. After getting settled in your bunk and introductions, have your first dinner together. Night on anchor.

Day 2: Safety Brief/Explore Bermuda Today will be full of boat briefings and getting the boat prepped for passage. You’ll have some time in the afternoon to explore.

Day 3: Set Sail for St Pierre Today is the day to head to sea! We’ll haul up anchor and head out St Georges cut and hoist sails.

Day 4-8: Underway Life and rhythm on Sea Dragon will quickly take shape around the watch schedule and life will be wonderfully simple and disconnected from the norm.

Day 9: Arrive St Pierre Welcome to France! We’ll tie up on the dock in St Pierre, ready to explore a new land after being at sea.

Day 10-11: Explore St Pierre Time to stretch those sea legs and experience this little bit of France on the western side of the Atlantic! Take a tour through the museum, enjoy the local cuisine, or take a trip over to Ile aux Marins to have a look at the former fisherman’s village. Don’t forget to visit the bakery!

Day 12: To Canada After a few days in port we’ll untie and head to Canada. It’s only a short hop over to Fortune, where we’ll clear in.

Day 13-19: Southwest and South Coast of Newfoundland We’ll spend these days of the trip amongst the birds and marine mammals of the south coast. Our nights will be on anchor and our days will be filled with sailing, hiking, relaxing and taking in the spectacular scenery. These fjords are incredible and remote. The specific stops along the way will be largely dictated by the weather.

Day 20: Arrive St Johns This lively harbor will be quite the difference from the remoteness of Newfoundland thus far. This will be the final port of the trip. Night on the dock.

Day 21: St Johns We’ll have some time to soak up St. John’s. There’s many options depending on what suits your fancy! Night on the dock.

End Day 22: Depart Sea Dragon You will leave the boat by 0900 in St. John’s.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: L.F. Wade International Airport is a 10 min taxi or bus to St George’s Harbor. St. John’s International Airport is a 15 min taxi from the harbor.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Canada.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

23 Jun - 14 July, 2024 | Icy Interests | Newfoundland - Greenland | 22 days, 21 nts | $5950

Sail Newfoundland to Greenland

Sail Newfoundland to Greenland

This Arctic sailing trip is part bluewater sailing, part coastal, and full adventure. Start in Newfoundland and sail north to Greenland, keeping an eye out for sea life and sea ice along the way. After clearing in Nuuk (Godthåb), begin anchorage hopping along the west coast. The specific anchorages and villages visited will depend largely on weather. You’ll cross the Arctic Circle and sail amongst the behemoth icebergs in the land of the midnight sun. The last stop of the trip is Ilulissat, where the number of sled dogs rivals the number of people and where the Ilulissat Icefjord (an UNESCO World Heritage Site) spits the icebergs out into Disco Bay.

+ More Details - click here

Start: Day 1: Arrive You will arrive at the boat in St John’s between 1500-1700. Night on the dock.

Day 2: Safety Briefings Today will be full of boat briefings and getting the boat prepped for passage. You’ll have some time in the afternoon to explore town.

Day 3: Set Sail to Nuuk It’s time to hoist the sails and head north to the Arctic!

Day 4-9: Underway Life and rhythm on Sea Dragon will quickly take shape around the watch schedule and life will be wonderfully simple and disconnected from the norm. Keep a sharp lookout for all different kinds of seabirds and marine mammals along the way.

Day 10: Arrive Nuuk The mountains are quite the backdrop as we find our way to tie up in the inner harbor amongst the fishing vessels and clear in. After getting the boat sorted, it will be time to head off to explore the capital of the biggest island on the planet!

Day 11: Nuuk There’s plenty to do around town from checking out restaurants and bars, to visiting museums or even the fabulous local swimming pool.

Day 12-20: Head North
After enjoying a few nights on the dock, untie and start heading north. The weather will largely dictate stops, but this time of year it should be great. YOu’ll also have long summer days, finding the midnight sun. See glaciers, growlers, icebergs, whales, seals, seabirds, breathtaking mountains and much more and get to explore villages, hike remote landscapes and cross the Arctic Circle.

Day 21: Arrive Ilulissat Arrive on the dock in the harbor, where you’ll spend the night before departure. There will be time to have a wander through town and even out to see the Icefjord!

End Day 22: Depart Sea Dragon You will need to depart Sea Dragon by 0900.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Key West Airport is a short taxi or Uber ride from Stock Island Marina. L.F. Wade International Airport is a 10 min taxi or bus from St George’s Harbor.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Bermuda.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

14 July - 4 Aug, 2024 | Reykjavik Run | Greenland - Iceland | 22 days, 21 nts | $5950

Sail Greenland to Iceland

This Arctic sailing trip is part bluewater sailing, part coastal, and full adventure. We’ll start the trip in Ilulissat, where the number of sled dogs rivals the number of people and where the Ilulissat Icefjord (an UNESCO World Heritage Site) spits the icebergs out into Disco Bay. Sail south with the midnight sun, anchorage hopping over the next week toward Nuuk (Godthåb), keeping an eye out for sea life and sea ice along the way. Have a night in Nuuk before setting sail on our offshore passage to Iceland.

+ More Details - click here

Specific anchorages and villages visited will depend largely on weather.

Start: Day 1: Arrive at the boat in Ilulissat between 1500-1700. Night on the dock.

Day 2: Move to Anchor, boat briefings In the morning you’ll get off the dock and leave the inner harbor. Anchor nearby to settle in and go through in depth boat briefings.

Day 3-10: Head South The weather will largely dictate stops, but this time of year it should be great. You’ll have long summer days, sailing with the midnight sun. You’ll see glaciers, growlers, icebergs, whales, seals, seabirds, breathtaking mountains and much more. We’ll get to explore villages, hike remote landscapes and cross the Arctic Circle going south.

Day 11: Arrive Nuuk Pull into Nuuk to clear customs and immigration in preparation for passage to Iceland. Spend the night on the dock and have time to wander around the capital of Greenland.

Day 12: Depart for Reykjavik Get underway for the bluewater passage portion of the trip. At this point everyone is well familiar with Sea Dragon and ready for the trip.

Day 13-19: Underway Life and rhythm on Sea Dragon will quickly take shape around the watch schedule and life will be wonderfully simple and disconnected from the norm. Keep a sharp lookout for all different kinds of seabirds, marine mammals, and icebergs along the way.

Day 20: Reykjavik Arrival After the 1200NM passage from Nuuk, arrive in Iceland, tie up on the dock, and clear customs and immigration. A nice meal and cold drink ashore are well earned!

Day 21: Exploration Today is a day to do what you like. There’s much to explore in Reykjavik and more if you want to rent a car to drive part of the King’s Highway. There are hot springs, good food, museums, volcanic landscapes, waterfalls, caves, and good hiking.

End Day 22: Departure You will need to leave the boat by 0900 in Reykjavik.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Ilulissat Airport is a 10 min taxi from the harbor. Keflavik International Airport is about 50 min by car from the harbor, or 90 by public transport.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Iceland.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

18 Aug - 8 Sept, 2024 | Sailing South | Iceland - Falmouth | 22 days, 21 nts | $5950

Sail Iceland to Falmouth UK

This trip is a mixture of coastal and offshore sailing. Take some time to anchorage hop the Southwest coast of Iceland, before visiting the Vestmannaeyjar Islands to the South. Whales, dolphins, seabirds, volcanic activity and green hillsides are all a plus here. After getting well acquainted with Sea Dragon, set sail south to beautiful Cornwall. 

+ More Details - click here

Start: Day 1: Arrive at the boat in Reykjavik between 1500-1700. Night on the dock.

Day 2: Boat/Safety Briefings Spend the day going through safety/boat briefings, getting well orientated with Sea Dragon. Move out to anchor for the evening.

Day 3-6: Southwest Coast Take some time to explore the southwest coast of Iceland in the Faxafloi and Breidafjordur areas. Where you visit will largely depend on the weather.

Day 7: Underway to Vestmannaeyjar Time to leave for a first night underway on the passage to the Vestmannaeyjar Islands off the south coast.

Day 8: Arrive Heimaey Island The steep green cliffs full of puffins and other sea birds will guide us into the harbor at Heimaey. Tie up on the dock, where you’ll spend the next few days.

Day 9-11: Explore Heimaey This harbour has wonderful protection and there is much to explore here! You can hike the Edfell volcano to the crater (last erupted in 1973) and visit the Eldneimar Volcano Museum. If you’re feeling up for it you can hike the cliffs at the entrance to the harbour to get a birds eye view of the Vestmannaeyjar Islands, it includes a ladder or two and sheep on the trail, but well worth it. Nesting puffins, the aquarium, the folk museum, swimming pool, restaurants and bakery all make this a wonderful spot to spend a few days. Keep an eye on the weather for departure to the UK and set sail accordingly.

Day 12: Set Sail to Falmouth This will be the day you cast off the lines for the offshore passage of the trip to Cornwall, perhaps getting a treat of the northern lights to send you off!

Day 13-18: Underway After getting to know Sea Dragon coastally, now fall into the rhythm of life on passage. Life will be wonderfully simple as we make our way south.

Day 19: Arrival Falmouth Arrive and tie up to the dock to clear customs and immigration.

Day 20-21: Explore After being at sea, it will be time to explore this lovely part of the UK. Falmouth has a rich history and is a special spot in Cornwall. The green hillsides, lovely beaches, and quaint town offer many avenues of adventure. Enjoy a cornish pasty and some scrumpy cider!

End Day 22: Depart Sea Dragon You will need to leave by 0900 in Falmouth.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Iceland: Keflavik International Airport is about 50 min by car from the harbour, or 90 by public transport. UK: Flight to the nearest airport is from Gatwick to Newquay. Newquay airport is about 45 min from Falmouth. Alternatively, take a train.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Iceland.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

22 Oct - 12 Nov, 2024 | North Atlantic Islands | UK – Canary Islands | 22 days, 21 nts | $4950

Sailing Expedition: North Atlantic Islands | UK – Canary Islands

This trip is a mixture of offshore passage making and exploring the islands of the North Atlantic. The itinerary is going to be subject to weather so plenty of time is built in for waiting for weather windows, meaning that exact dates and ports will most likely change. especially on the South Coast of the UK, or needing to omit a stop in either the Ilhas Selvagens or Tenerife or both. But, if the weather cooperates, you’ll be able to do it all, from Southampton to Las Palmas on Gran Canari.!…

+ More Details - click here

Start: Day 1: Arrive Southampton Board on the dock at Ocean Village Marina at 1600. Settle in and get to know your fellow crew members! Spend the night on the dock.

Day 2: Briefings/set sail for Falmouth Full safety and boat briefings before setting off an overnight sail to Falmouth.

Day 3: Arrive Falmouth Welcome to Cornwall! Spend the night on the dock.

Day 4: Explore Falmouth Free time to explore the town, have a nice meal, walk over to the beach, and taste some cider if you’re interested. Spend the night on the dock.

Day 5: Sail to Madeira Depending on the weather forecast, this will be the date to untie the lines for the long passage of the trip.

Day 6-12: Underway Everyone will fall into the watch system rhythm and life will be wonderfully simple at sea.

Day 13: Arrive Madeira After roughly a week underway, dock at Quinta do Lorde Marina on the island of Madeira.

Day 14: Madeira Free Time There’s plenty to do, depending on your mood. Relax by the pool and take it easy, adventure further for waterfall hiking, head into town to ride the street toboggans, the possibilities are endless! The time will be yours to fill.

Day 15: Sail to Ilhas Selvagens After a couple nights on the dock and enjoying being in port, drop lines and point the bow SE. This will be an overnight passage.

Day 16: Arrive Selvagem Grande The wonder and remoteness of this island is apparent immediately. This special stop gives the opportunity to walk around the island to see the flora and fauna in a place virtually uninhabited. The last time we visited, we were extremely grateful for the guided tour from the posted ranger. Spend the night at anchor.

Day 17: Selvagem Grande and Departure for Tenerife After having the morning to wander ashore or take a nice swim, up anchor and set sail for Tenerife. It will be a short overnight sail.

Day 18: Arrive Tenerife This island will be dramatically different from Selvagem Grande and be ‘bright lights, big city’ in comparison with its vibrant waterfront full of shops and restaurants. Spend the night on the dock.

Day 19: Explore Tenerife Take the day to explore further from the waterfront. Hike near El Tiede, visit one of the oldest Draco trees in the world, or ride bikes. There are so many different areas to explore.

Day 20: Sail to Gran Canaria It will be a day sail to the final island of the trip. Head off after breakfast and arrive for dinner. Spend the night on the dock at Marina Las Palmas.

Day 21: Explore Las Palmas Everyone will have the day to explore the island in whatever way suits best. This will be the last night all together and spent on the dock.

End Day 22: Departure Day All guests will need to plan to depart by 0900.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: UK: London Heathrow International Airport is just over an hour from Ocean Village Marina and one and a half hours from London Gatwick International Airport. Canaries: Gran Canaria Airport is a 20 min taxi from Marina Las Palmas.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in the United Kingdom.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

20 Nov - 22 Dec, 2024 | Atlantic Crossing with ARC Rally | Gran Canaria – Saint Lucia | 33 days, 32 nts | $7950

Atlantic Crossing with ARC Rally | Gran Canaria – Saint Lucia

Come and cross an ocean! This is a bucket list kind of trip and you’ll be doing it as part of the ARC Rally: The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers is a ‘must do’ for many sailors, attracting over 200 boats and 1200 people every year to sail 2700 NM across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia. A true blue-water passage is incredible on its own, hooking into the trade winds across the Atlantic.but add shoreside activities, camaraderie of other boats, and the festive racing scene and it’s that much more special.

+ More Details - click here

There will be time to become well acquainted with Sea Dragon and your fellow crew members prior to setting sail, as well as time to participate in the ARC events and explore Gran Canaria.

The crew are there to help hone in on any skills you’d like to focus on gaining/improving, including celestial navigation. A passage like this is the perfect opportunity to learn and practice using a sextant, doing sight reductions and plotting.

Arrive on the other side with plenty of time to relax and explore on the island of Saint Lucia, both by land and by sea. You and your team will have worked hard and sailed many miles, it would be a shame to not get some time to enjoy the Caribbean as well! There’s hiking, snorkeling, paddle boarding, delicious fresh fruits, warm water, and luscious hillsides. Not a terrible place to end after crossing an ocean!

This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to go up and down the companionway and move safely about the boat while in rough conditions, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health.

Start: Las Palmas, Gran Canaria / End: Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia

Day 1: Arrive Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Plan to arrive at Sea Dragon between 1500-1700.

Day 2-4: Boat/safety briefings and ARC shore side activities There will be much to take in and prepare for setting sail. You will get to know your fellow crew members, your home for the coming weeks, Sea Dragon, and participate together in the ARC events. You’ll get to know crew from other boats in the rally too! There will also be time to explore Gran Canaria before departure and get a last meal ashore before weeks at sea.

Day 5: Set Sail With the other boats in the rally, cross the start at 1300 headed for Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia.

Day 6-25: Underway Upon the Atlantic Ocean While life will take on a certain rhythm while at sea, each day will always be different and the watch rotation will give everyone a taste of each time of day as you head west. You and your crew will work as a team to keep the boat moving efficiently and make life fun! Plenty of time to read books, watch films, practice/learn celestial navigation, cook a favorite meal and enjoy being disconnected.

Day 26: Arrival Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia The exact arrival day will vary depending on the wind and will probably be sooner than this. However, there is plenty of time built into the trip for lighter winds and to soak up slower sailing.

Day 27-31: Explore Saint Lucia, Sail to Marigot Bay There will most likely be plenty of time to explore before the prize ceremony. This means opportunities to hike, snorkel, paddle board, and even pop out to ‘cruise’ St Lucia, spending some time at anchor in Marigot Bay and/or Rodney Bay. You’ll also have the time to take part in any ARC shore side activities and welcome other boats that arrive.

Day 32: ARC Prize Giving Party Time to celebrate everyone’s arrival into Saint Lucia together with other crew members of the boats in the rally!

End Day 33: Departure in Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia You’ll need to leave the boat by 1000 at Rodney Bay Marina.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Gran Canaria: The airport is a 20 min taxi from Marina Las Palmas. Sait Lucia: Hewanorra International Airport is about a 1.5 hour taxi from Rodney Bay Marina.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Saint Lucia.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

12 Jan - 25 Jan, 2025 | Island Hopping | St Lucia – Grenada | 14 days, 13 nts | $4950

Sustainable Sailing: St Lucia to Grenada via Grenadines, Martinique, Carriacou

Sustainable Sailing expedition: St Lucia to Grenada via Grenadines, Martinique,…

Island vibes and trade wind Caribbean sailing. Enjoy the warm water, get good sailing in, slow down for boat life on anchor and explore ashore. Snorkel some of the best spots in the Windward Islands of the Eastern Caribbean, use the paddle boards, swim from the boat, and visit multiple island nations: Start in Saint Lucia, visit the French island of Martinique, stop at multiple islands in the Grenadines, and Carriacou on the way to final stop Grenada. The itinerary will offer a mixture of in-town exploration and more natural and remote spots, some only accessed by boat!

+ More Details - click here

All meals on board are delicious and vegetarian, with the addition of fish if caught any along the way.

Start: Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia / End: St George’s, Grenada

Tentative Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia Plan to arrive at the boat in Rodney Bay Marina at 1600. Get to know your fellow crew members, settle in, and start briefings. Spend the night on the dock.

Day 2: Sail to Saint Pierre, Martinique Morning briefing and preparations to set sail for the 45 NM trip. Drop lines and head north on a day sail to Martinique. Anchor off the black sand beaches and town of Saint Pierre, nestled into the foothills of Mt. Pele. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 3: Explore Saint Pierre Time to explore the “Paris of the Caribbean”, Saint Pierre! There’s plenty to do and the choice is yours. If you’re up for a challenging day hike, you can make your way to Mt Pele to hike the volcano, which is usually in a cloud. Or you can wander the streets of Saint Pierre soaking in the rich history, including seeing the ruins of the town from the 1902 eruption of Mt Pele, or sit outside a lovely café and have a swim. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 4: Set sail, overnight to Bequia, St Vincent and the Grenadines Morning shore time and prep for setting sail to the island of Bequia in the Grenadines. Sail overnight for this 115NM passage.

Day 5: Arrive Bequia Arrive in the morning and drop anchor in Port Elizabeth Harbor. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 6: Explore Bequia Get some snorkelling in, enjoy the beach, take a walk in the hills or visit the turtle sanctuary. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 7: Sail to Mayreau Get underway in the morning, setting sail for the 30 NM passage to another island of the Grenadines, Mayreau. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 8: Explore Mayreau Another peaceful morning on anchor, with the opportunity to explore ashore if you like. This is a small island with a small community, which you can walk from one anchorage to another and back again. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 9: Sail to Tobago Cays Marine Park It will be a short move of 5NM to the Tobago Cays Marine Park, done with good light to make way through the reef. Spend the night on anchor, fully away from any light pollution of any town lights.

Day 10: Explore Tobago Cays There is no one living on the Cays, they’re just a string of uninhabited islands offering a true connection to nature. This is a wonderful spot to snorkel, with an abundance of turtles in the areas of seagrass and the occasional black tip reef shark cruising the reef with abundant life around. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 11: Grenadines to Carriacou Move over to Union Island for a short stop to clear customs before heading on to Carriacou. The short hops make this a leisurely repositioning day, covering about 12 NM between two short sails. Anchor off the main town of Hillsboro for the night.

Day 12: Move to Sandy Island After a bit of morning exploration ashore in the town of Hillsboro, move the 2NM over to a small spit of land, Sandy Island. What a gorgeous beach and quiet place to spend the afternoon and evening. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 13: Sail Carriacou to Grenada After a string of relaxing days, it will be time to get another longer passage in before the end of the trip. We’ll set sail for a day trip to Grenada. We’ll arrive on the dock at Port Louis Marina and spend the last night of the trip alongside. There will be opportunity to catch a nice meal ashore all together, before heading off in the morning. Night on the dock.

Day 14: Depart St George, Grenada Please plan to leave Sea Dragon by 1000 at Port Louis Marina.

Connections: Hewanorra International Airport is about a 1.5 hour taxi from Rodney Bay Marina in Saint Lucia. Fly out of Maurice Bishop International Airport (GND) in Grenada and is about a 20 min taxi from Port Louis Marina in St George’s.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond the end of your trip.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to go up and down the companionway and move safely about the boat while in rough conditions, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information. Your Crew Contract will confirm Terms and Conditions when booking.

2 Feb - 22 Feb, 2025 | Westward Winds | Grenada - Panama | 21 days, 20 nts | $5950

Sustainab le Sailing Expeditiion: Grenada Caribbean - Bonaire - to Panama

Island hopping and blue water sailing, this Caribbean trip has it all. Explore a bit of Grenada and Carriacou before setting sail westward, with fast downwind sailing ahead. With stops in Bonaire and the San Blas islands of Panama, there is ample time to truly enjoy the Caribbean and visit multiple island nations. Sailing, snorkelling, and paddleboarding are just some of the things you’ll fill your time with!

+ More Details - click here

All meals on board are delicious and vegetarian, with the addition of fish if caught any along the way.

Start: St George’s, Grenada / End: Colon, Panama

Tentative Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive St George’s Grenada Plan to arrive at the boat in Port Louis Marina at 1600. Tonight is about getting to know your fellow crew members, settling in, and starting briefings. Spend the night on the dock.

Day 2: Sail to Tyrell Bay Continue briefings and then untie the lines to head out on the first sail together. A short day sail of 35 NM to Carriacou in the warm and tropical trade winds is just the ticket for an introduction! Keep an eye out for playful dolphins, frigate and tropic birds, and whales along the way! Spend the night at anchor.

Day 3: Move to Sandy Island After having time ashore in Tyrell Bay, hop the 3NM over to Sandy Island, which offers a small spit of land and less people. This will be the perfect place to prep for passage to Bonaire. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 4: Clear out of Carriacou, set sail to Bonaire After clearing customs and immigration, set sail and point the bow west, embracing the endless horizon as land falls away behind. This is the first night underway.

Day 5-6: Underway Fall into the rhythm of the watch schedule and passage life. Keep an eye out for marine life and seabirds coming to visit.

Day 7: Arrive Bonaire Arrive Bonaire after covering roughly 420NM! Dock here and some relaxation will be well earned. Spend the night on the dock.

Day 8-9: Bonaire There are so many wonderful offerings in Bonaire. Spectacular diving, snorkelling, windsurfing, flamingo sightings, and expansive salt flats are just a few! The choice is yours for how to spend your time. Spend the nights on the dock.

Day 10: Set sail to San Blas Time to head to the next stop, the San Blas Islands. Untie the lines and wave goodbye to Bonaire.

Day 11-14: Underway Settle in quicker on this second passage of the trip and get back into the watch rotation.

Day 15: Arrive San Blas Islands After covering roughly 675NM, arrive in Panama! Clear customs and immigration and spend the night on anchor.

Day 16-18: San Blas Islands Time to explore these extremely special islands. Spend the nights on anchor.

Day 19: Sail to Shelter Bay Time for the last sail of the trip, an overnight to Shelter Bay Marina. The waters will certainly seem much busier than on the other sails, approaching the Panama Canal.

Day 20: Arrive Shelter Bay After the 90NM overnight sail, arrive on the dock in the morning. There will be time to relax by the pool, grab a nice cold drink, or wander through the jungle on the trails by the marina. Spend the final night aboard on the dock.

Day 21: Depart at Shelter Bay Marina in Colon, Panama You will need to depart the boat by 1000.

Connections: Port Louis Marina is about a 20 min taxi or bus from Maurice Bishop International Airport (GND). Toucumen International Airport (PYT) is about a 90 min taxi from Shelter Bay Marina.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond the end of your trip.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information. Your Crew Contract will confirm Terms and Conditions when booking.

23 March - 5 April, 2025 | Pacific Passage | Panama - Galapagos | 14 days, 13 nts | $6450

Sustainable Sailing Expedition: Panama to Galapagos Islands

Sail a blue water passage that crosses the equator when sailors toast to Neptune and say any pollywogs will now be shellbacks! Have some time to explore Casco Viejo in Panama before setting off and the endless stretch of blue horizon. Then explore San Cristobal when you arrive: if you’re keen to really see the Galapagos in depth, plan a few days after departure from the boat.

+ More Details - click here

All meals on board are delicious and vegetarian, with the addition of fish if caught any along the way.

Start: Shelter Bay Marina, Colon, Panama / End: San Cristobal Island, Galapagos

Tentative Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive Panama Plan to arrive at the boat on anchor at Panama City at 1600. You’ll be picked up by dinghy and head out to the boat. Get right to crew and boat introductions, with the evening to settle in and spend the night at anchor.

Day 2: Safety/Briefings Spend today going further into safety and boat briefings and getting Sea Dragon ready for the passage. There will additionally be a bit of free time to explore ashore. Afterwards, spending the night on anchor.

Day 3: Set sail to Galapagos Today slip lines and hoist sails! Next stop San Cristobal Island, roughly 900NM away.

Day 4-8: Underway Settle into the watch rotation and find the rhythm of life at sea. No two days will be the same: keep your eyes on the horizon for wildlife coming to visit along the way! There will be time to dabble in celestial navigation, sit back with a good book, and get to know your fellow crew members.

Day 9: Arrive San Cristobal Land Ho! After that endless horizon, San Cristobal will pop up beckoning the shellbacks of the sea. Time to anchor, clear customs and immigration and have a wander on shore. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 10-13: Explore Galapagos While there will not be any formal excursions pre-planned, there will be ample time and opportunity to explore in whatever way you choose. More than likely some of your fellow crew members will want to do things together. Take a bike ride down the volcano, dive/snorkel with a local operator, and much more! Spend these nights on anchor. There is a water taxi that lets you come and go from Sea Dragon as you please.

Day 14: Departure in San Cristobal You’ll need to plan to leave Sea Dragon by 1000.

Connections: Tocumen Internacional Airport Panama (PTY) is about a 20 min taxi from Panama City. San Cristobal Airport (SCY) is a short taxi from the anchorage.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond the end of your trip.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to go up and down the companionway and move safely about the boat while in rough conditions, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information. Your Crew Contract will confirm Terms and Conditions when booking.

12 April - 17 May 2025 | Remote Route | Galapagos - Tahiti | 36 days, 35 nts | $7950

Sustainable Sailing Expedition: Galapagos Islands to Tahiti

Sustainable Sailing Expedition: Galapagos Islands to Tahiti

Sail a less traditional route into the South Pacific! Spend the first few days in Galapagos, with safety and boat briefings, before setting sail and embracing life of the endless horizon. This trip covers serious miles and is a true trip of exploration and blue water passage making. First stop, Pitcairn Island, anchoring in Bounty Bay. Second stop, the Gambier Islands of French Polynesia, anchoring off Rikitea. Then to final port Papeete, Tahiti.

+ More Details - click here

All meals on board are delicious and vegetarian, with the addition of fish if caught any along the way.

Start: San Cristobal Island, Galapagos / End: Papeete, Tahiti

Tentative Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive San Cristobal Island Please plan to board Sea Dragon at 1500. One of the crew will be on shore to direct you to the water taxi to take out to the boat on anchor. Everyone will start to settle in and start to get to know one another and Sea Dragon. Initial briefings for life on board. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 2-3: Safety/Briefings and Exploration Take the next couple days to go through the extensive safety/boat briefings and passage prep, as well as having some free time to explore ashore and have a last meal out if you like, before heading off to sea. Spend these nights at anchor.

Day 4: Set sail for Pitcairn (2700NM) Pick anchor and set sail. Next stop, Bounty Bay!

Day 5-21: Underway Life at sea will take form and you’ll find the rhythm in it all. Fall into the watch schedule, live sunrise to sunset to sunrise. There's 2700NM to cover and everyday will be different. The Pacific is known for spectacular sunsets!

Day 22: Arrive Pitcairn After an endless horizon, call Land Ho, with Pitcairn rising out of the sea. Anchor and check in to get clearance to this incredibly special stop in a place you can only get to by sea.

Day 23-24: Pitcairn

Day 25: Set sail for Gambier (290NM) After a few days at anchor, set sail once again, this time for a much shorter passage, to the Gambier Islands.

Day 26: Underway Settle right back into the watch rotation and spotting wildlife as you cover the 290NM to your next stop.

Day 27: Arrive Gambier Anchor off the town of Rikitea. This will be a much different anchorage than Bounty Bay on Pitcairn! Much more mellow, protected and South Pacific postcard material. Spend the night on anchor.

Day 28-29: Gambier There will be time to do as you please. Explore the town, take a hike, go snorkelling, take an island tour by boat with a local operator, and much more. Spend the nights on anchor.

Day 30: Set sail for Tahiti (890NM) It will be time to get underway for the last passage of the trip, as you sail to the final port of Papeete.

Day 31-34: Underway This passage is 890NM of gorgeous sailing.

Day 35: Arrive Tahiti The luscious hillsides and colorful waters will greet us at we make our way to Marina Taina.

Day 36: Depart in Tahiti You will need to plan to leave Sea Dragon by 10AM.

Connections: Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, where Sea Dragon will be anchored, is only a few minutes drive from San Cristobal Airport (SCY). Faa’a International Airport (PPT) in Tahiti is a 10 min taxi from Marina Taina, where Sea Dragon will be docked.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond the end of your trip.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to go up and down the companionway and move safely about the boat while in rough conditions, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information. Your Crew Contract will confirm Terms and Conditions when booking.

Previous Trips

Jul 21 - Aug 10, 2022 | Not a Race to Alaska | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada – Ketchikan, Alaska | 20 days, 19 nights | $3950
Focus: Coastal Cruising | Introduction to Sailing | Coastal Exploration


Join in the height of summer to explore the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Visit Canada’s Gulf Islands on the way north to Alaska! Hike, explore some of the beautiful towns of the region, and keep a sharp lookout for wildlife. Last year we saw humpback whales, orcas, porpoises, and seals. Navigate the famed tide rips and channels of the inside passage before crossing Queen Charlotte Sound and explore the Haida Gwaii before arriving in Ketchikan. If you’re interested in sailing but not sure if open ocean voyages might be too intense, this trip is a good fit.

+ More Details - click here

Learn the basics of sailing Sea Dragon while spending every night on anchor, day sailing and travelling in relatively flat water

Start: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. You will join the boat between 1500-1700 on the first day.

End: Ketchikan, Alaska. You will depart the boat at 0900 on the last day.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: There are numerous ferries connecting Victoria to Seattle, Vancouver, and Tsawassen. You can also travel via seaplane from Vancouver, or fly to Victoria International Airport, YYJ, which is about a 20-minute drive north of the city. The Ketchikan International Airport, KTN, is just across the water from Ketchikan if you want to fly home. If you haven’t had enough boat time, you can board the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry from Ketchikan back to Bellingham.

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from the USA and Canada. Please note that many nationalities which can enter the US via cruise ship or airplane on the ESTA waiver program cannot do so on a private vessel. If you are not a citizen of the US, Canada, or Bermuda you will likely need a B1/B2 visa for this voyage. If you do not have a B1/B2, please contact us to discuss further before making any travel arrangements or making a deposit. Please note that if you are not a US or Canadian citizen, you will likely need to complete a Canadian ETA prior to traveling. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Aug 15 – Sept 4, 2022 | The Inside Passage | Ketchikan, Alaska - Coal Harbor Marina, Vancouver, Canada | 20 days, 19 nts | $3950
Focus: Coastal Cruising | Island Exploration | Marine Mammals


Set out from Ketchikan, Alaska, at the height of the summer season and visit possible stops including the Haida Gwai, Prince Charlotte Sound, and Desolation Sound before arriving into bustling Vancouver, Canada’s West Coast Metropolis.

+ More Details - click here

Start: Ketchikan, Alaska. You will join the boat between 1500-1700 on the first day.

End: Coal Harbor Marina, Vancouver, British Columbia. You will depart the boat at 0900 on the last day.

Connis Cove is an area for river otters, in Surf Inlet it's common to see spirit bears, and in the Pearse Islands you may spot the resident population of Orcas.

In between, explore Prince Rupert, Patterson Inlet, Dunn Passage / Weinberg Inlet, Penn Harbor/Princess Royal Island, Clifford Bay, Forward Harbor / Thurston Bay Marine Park / Gorge Harbor / Cortes Island, Desolation Sound and False Bay, Lasqueti Island.

What a wonderful trip!

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Ketchikan International Airport (KTN) is short ferry ride from town. If you want even more water adventure, you can take the Alaska Marine Highway ferry from Bellingham! Vancouver International (YVR) is about 20 minutes away by car, and very easily accessible by rail.

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from the USA and Canada. Please note that if you are not a US or Canadian citizen, you will likely need to complete a Canadian ETA prior to traveling. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel.

Jan 22 - Feb 9, 2023 | Trans-Pacific Voyager | Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico – Ko Olina Marina, Hawaii | 19 days, 18 nights | $4950
Focus: Offshore Passagemaking | Ocean Crossing | Sail Training
This trip is an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and IYT MOY Unlimited qualifying voyage – contact to discuss.


Join aboard Sea Dragon for the classic Pacific crossing and follow the sunset all the way to Ko’Olina Marina, Hawaii! You’ll have plenty of time to practice downwind sail handling, helming, and even some celestial navigation if you’re keen.

+ More Details - click here

It may be a bit chilly for the first week or so (at least compared to being in Hawaii), but will then warm up and you’ll be rollicking downwind wing-on-wing under the sunshine as the trades strengthen.
If you’re interested in celestial navigation, this is the best voyage of the season to learn from us or hone your skills – clear skies in the trades and a smooth downwind voyage.

Looking forward to what should be a spectacular ocean crossing – a perfect opportunity to get away from it all and cross the Pacific!

Health: This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to go up and down the companionway and move safely about the boat while in rough conditions, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health. Please contact us with any health questions.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections:The option of a private shuttle from San Diego to the boat in Ensenada is provided if you would prefer to fly into San Diego instead of finding your own way across the border. Honolulu International Airport (HNL) is about 30 minutes from Ko’Olina, Hawaii.

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/from Mexico and the USA. Please note that many nationalities which can enter the US by air on the ESTA visa waiver program need a B1/B2 visa to enter by sea. If you are not a US, Canadian, or Bermudan citizen, you will need a B1/B2 visa in order to re-enter Hawaii by Sea – an ESTA will not work in Hawaii! Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

May 8 - May 23, 2023 | Palmyra Explorer | Ko Olina Marina, Hawaii - Palmyra - Kiritimati, Kiribati | 16 days, 15 nights | $4950
+ Feb 20 - March 7, 2023
| Pacific Explorer: same itinerary but unable to stop at Palmyra | $4450
Offshore Passagemaking | Swimming & Snorkeling | Tropical Island Exploration

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean & IYT MOY Unlimited qualifying voyage: contact to discuss.

Palmyra Explorer   Ii | Hawaii – Palmyra – Kiritimati

Palmyra Explorer Ii | Hawaii – Palmyra – Kiritimati

This trip is a blast – leave from Oahu for a few days of power reaching in the trades before negotiating the ITCZ, known as the Doldrums! Squalls and unsettled weather abound, but the rewards for careful boat handling are beautiful sunsets, rainbows, and the satisfaction of sailing fast in tough conditions. After over 1000nm of tropical sailing, arrive at Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, the largest atoll by land mass in the world. Drop anchor off the cargo pier where manta rays often circle the boat, and have a few days to explore Kiritimati before the weekly flight to Hawaii.

+ More Details - click here

En route, Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, which lies within the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, may or may not be open. If it is open, we won’t find out until late December or early January, but if possible we will stop there en route to Kiritimati.

2019 was the first ecotourism visit to Palmyra since it became a National Wildlife Refuge, and it was extraordinary! Never has there been such a beautiful and healthy reef! Almost anywhere else you go will be spoiled for you after this visit. This is really something special, and the only way to visit is by sea.

Palmyra Atoll is a relatively new National Wildlife Refuge within the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. On all previous visits in 2019-2022 the consensus among those on board was that they could never go snorkelling anywhere else again, as anything would pale in comparison. At the request of the refuge, the group size is limited for this trip, so it’s an intimate experience.

Palmyra was a US naval base in World War II, the sight of several failed copra plantations, and the destination of many adventurers and dreamers up through the 90s. Since then, Palmyra has been jointly managed by the Nature Conservancy and US Fish & Wildlife service, who are doing an amazing job maintaining it as a research station and restoring native Pacific atoll ecosystems to the island. This visit is dependent upon a permit which won’t be issued until the day of departing Hawaii, however obtaining it is expected. Staff from Fish & Wildlife must also be on island during the visit.

This trip will not include any diving, as the refuge doesn’t allow it, but all of the sites are just as good or better for snorkelling.

After spending some time exploring Palmyra, you’ll continue on to Kiritimati, Christmas Island, where you’ll finish the voyage at the world’s largest atoll.

Health This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to climb a 20′ steel ladder up the Copra Pier in Kiritimati, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health. Please contact us with any health questions.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: *Honolulu International Airport (HNL) is about a 30 minute drive from Ko Olina. Join the boat in Ko Olina between 1500-1700 on the first day.
You will depart the boat in Copra Pier Anchorage, Kiritimati, Kiribati at 0900 on the last day.

The trip is scheduled to line up with the one flight a week out of Kiritimati back to Honolulu. The plane comes from Honolulu, stops in Kiritimati, goes to Fiji and then turns around and does the reverse route right away. Due to the international date line, it technically departs Kiritimati on the 8th of March, and as Kiritimati is exactly 24 hrs ahead of Hawaii lands in Hawaii on the 7th.

If you wanted to spend time in Kiritimati at all, or fly to Fiji, you would have to stay one week if you want to go back to Honolulu.

Because weather can be unsettled in the central pacific in August, some cushion is built into the schedule – it is possible that you'll be back earlier, but you are welcome to stay on board, or depart once the vessel has finished entrance formalities.*

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/from Kiribati and the USA. If you are not a US, Canadian, or Bermudan citizen, you will need a B1/B2 visa in order to re-enter Hawaii by Sea – an ESTA will not work in Hawaii! Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

March 7 - March 21, 2023 | Equator Express | Kiritimati, Kiribati - Papeete, Tahiti | 15 days, 14 nights | $4450
and May 23 – June 6, 2023
Offshore Passagemaking | Equator Crossing
| Sail Training
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean & IYT MOY Unlimited qualifying voyage: contact to discuss.

Dream sailing

If you’ve always dreamed of sailing to the South Pacific or crossing the Equator, this is the trip for you. Join at the remote island of Kiritimati (pronounced and sometimes spelled Christmas), which has the most land area of any atoll in the world. Spend a few days exploring Kiritimati, from the waters around the island to the island itself. Only one flight a week comes to this special place, which is known for its fly fishing, history of British nuclear testing, and welcoming people.

+ More Details - click here

After exploring what Kiritimati has to offer, set out for Tahiti and the southern hemisphere! It’s not a voyage for the faint hearted, but the rewards of sailing in the tropics are worth the challenges. The sailing is predominately upwind for the first 1/2 to 2/3 of the voyage, but often ends up with a better wind angle by the end, to reward you for your hard work driving through the waves and heat.

Just a day or two out of Kiritimati you’ll cross the equator, and King Neptune and his court will board to turn crew from pollywogs into hardened shellbacks. This secretive ceremony will mark your inclusion into an exclusive club of those who have crossed the equator under sail.

If you’re interested in celestial navigation, this voyage is a great opportunity to hone your skills. The trade wind skies of the tropics and sub tropics make for great sun, moon, planet, and star sights, and crossing the equator throws in an extra twist that most people only experience in textbooks.

If the weather gives a fast passage, we hope to have enough time to explore French Polynesia a bit. Depending on travel restrictions, we may be able to hop across to Moorea after we arrive in Papeete, one of the most beautiful islands on the planet. Or, we may choose to merely explore the beauty of Tahiti and all it has to offer.

Health This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to climb a 20′ steel ladder up the Copra Pier in Kiritimati, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health. Please contact us with any health questions.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page. The Government of Kiribati and Tahiti, French Polynesia have their own COVID-19 regulations, which you will need to comply with - you'll be kept updated as the trip approaches

Connections: You'll join the boat at the anchorage in Kiritimati: a ride will be arranged for you from Kiritimati International, CXI to the pier. There is one flight a week from Hawaii to Kiritimati on Fiji Airways (FJ 823), which departs Honolulu on Tuesdays. The trip is designed to synchronize with that flight.

Papeete International Airport (PPT), Tahiti is right on the edge of town, a short taxi trip from any of the docks we may tie up at. You will need to have a return flight booked out of Tahiti and provide acceptable proof of that flight 8 weeks prior to the trip. (Transportation to and from Kiritimati and Tahiti and to Papeete Airport exluded from cost).

A copy of your passport and vaccination info will be needed at least 8 weeks in advance of the trip to submit to agents in Tahiti for entry: You'll get more details as the trip dates get closer, as they are subject to change at the whim of the French Government.*

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from French Polynesia and the USA. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board. You may need specific type of visa you need for arriving at these destinations by sea, or contact us directly to discuss.

June 20 – July 4, 2023 | Hemisphere Hopper | Tahiti - Kiritimati, Kiribati | 15 days, 14 nights | $4450
Offshore Passagemaking | Swimming & Snorkeling | Tropical Island Exploration

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean & IYT MOY Unlimited qualifying voyage: contact to discuss.

Expedition sailing Tahiti to Kiritimati, kiribati

Join in beautiful Tahiti for the sailing voyage of a lifetime! Spend a few days exploring French Polynesia before heading north across the equator. This should be a very fast sail – a reach in in the trades, with warm water splashing aboard and frigates and boobies overhead! This crossing will mark your inclusion into an exclusive club of those who have crossed the equator under sail!

+ More Details - click here

About a week after leaving Tahiti, cross the Equator, and King Neptune and his court will board Sea Dragon to turn her crew from pollywogs into hardened shellbacks. This secretive ceremony will mark your inclusion into an exclusive club of those who have crossed the equator under sail.

Another day into the Northern Hemisphere and you’ll arrive at Kiritimati (pronounced and sometimes spelled Christmas) atoll in Kiribati. It has the largest land area of any atoll in the world, and is world renowned for its fly fishing, and perhaps more infamously known for British nuclear testing. You’ll have a chance to explore Kiritimati from the base of Sea Dragon before boarding the once a week flight back to Honolulu.

If you’re interested in celestial navigation, this voyage is a great opportunity to hone your skills. The trade wind skies of the tropics and sub tropics make for great sun, moon, planet, and star sights, and crossing the equator throws in an extra twist that most people only experience in textbooks.

Health This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to climb a 20′ steel ladder up the Copra Pier in Kiritimati, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health. Please contact us with any health questions.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

The Government of Kiribati and French Polynesia also have their own COVID-19 regulations, which you will need to comply with in order to enter. We will be kept updated as far as we are able as the trip approaches.

Connections: You will join the boat in Papeete after 1500 on the first day. You will depart the boat early in the morning on the last day to make it to the airport in time.

Papeete International Airport (PPT) is a short drive from the harbour. Kiritimati International Airport (CXI) is about 20 minutes from where you’ll be anchored, and transport will be arranged for you to connect with the one weekly Fiji Airways flight back to Hawaii.

Please note that Kiritimati is on the same time zone but a day ahead of Hawaii, so the flight departs Kiritimati on the 19th of April but lands back in Hawaii on the 18th.

In order to be allowed through immigration upon arrival in Papeete (and possibly to board your flight TO Tahiti), you will either need to have proof of a return flight out of Tahiti or a bond posted by an agent in Tahiti to cover possible repatriation. This can be arranged for you by our partner & agent n Tahiti to expedite entry, but will require some paperwork (flight details, passport, etc) well in advance of your arrival: more details will be available via email closer to the trip date, as requirements can and do change at the whim of the French Government.*

Passports & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/from Kiribati. Please note that many nationalities may require different visas to enter by sea: an ESTA is NOT acceptable. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

July 4 – July 15, 2023 | Pacific Voyager | Kiritimati, Kiribati - Ko Olina Marina, Oahu, Hawaii | 12 days, 11 nights | $3950
Offshore Passagemaking | Swimming & Snorkeling | Tropical Island Exploration

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean & IYT MOY Unlimited qualifying voyage: contact to discuss.


This trip should have some amazing sailing! Spend a few days exploring Kiritimati, the largest atoll in the world, before heading north for a fast sail through the ITCZ and the trades to Hawaii, until the green mountains of Oahu heave over the horizon to windward. These islands are truly remote, and the best way to get to them is by sea.

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Average between 180-220 miles a day on this run, which is a lot of fun! Squalls and unsettled weather abound, but the region rewards careful boat handling with beautiful sunsets, rainbows, and the satisfaction of sailing fast in tough conditions. After a few days exploring the spectacular remote atoll, depart for almost 1000NM of close reaching through the trades. It’ll be fast, furious and fun sailing.

Health This is not a trip for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to climb a 20′ steel ladder up the Copra Pier in Kiritimati, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health. Please contact us with any health questions.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: You will join the boat in in Kiritimati around 1700 on the first day. You will depart the boat at 0900 on the last day. Fiji Airways has one flight (FJ823) a week to Kiritimati (CXI) – it departs Hawaii in the morning and lands on Kiritimati that afternoon (Hawaii), +1 (local). Ground transportation to the vessel from the airport will be organised as it must must be pre-arranged - there are no scheduled buses or taxis on the island. Honolulu International Airport (HNL) is about a 30 minute drive from Ko Olina Marina, Oahu, Hawaii.

Passports & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from Kiribati and the USA. Please note that many nationalities which can enter the US by air on the ESTA visa waiver program need a B1/B2 visa to enter by sea. If you are NOT from the USA, Canada, or Bermuda, you will need to get a B1/B2, an ESTA is NOT acceptable for entry by sea. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

July 29-August 19, 2023 | North Pacific Gyre | Ko Olina Marina, Oahu, Hawaii – Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 21 days, 20 nights | $4950 Offshore Passagemaking | Ocean Crossing | Plastic Pollution
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean & IYT MOY Unlimited qualifying voyage: contact to discuss.


Cross the North Pacific and sail through the North Pacific Gyre! If you’re more interested in seeing the problem of plastic pollution for yourself, you’ll go right through the heart of the garbage patch. There’ll be educational manta trawls for micro-plastic pollution, as well as documenting and observing larger debris. And you may be able to take home your own sample of mid-ocean plastics from the trawl efforts. If you’re looking to test your mettle on an ocean crossing that’s a bit more rugged, this is the voyage for you.

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Encounter a little bit of everything: warm, fast, close reaching in the tradewinds out of Hawaii and the chance for some spectacular mid-ocean swimming under the Pacific High. After a blast north, turn east through the heart of the gyre, before emerging on the backside into northern hemisphere frontal weather for the final push into Victoria.

Start: Ko Olina Marina, Oahu, Hawaii. Join the boat between 1500-1700 on the first day.
End: Victoria, Canada. You will depart the boat at 0900 on the last day.

The actual passage time on this ocean voyage is dependent on the weather. A fast passage could arrive early, the slowest voyage time would be arriving the day before itinerary end date. If arriving early, you are welcome to stay aboard to explore Victoria.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Honolulu International Airport (HNL) is about a 30-minute drive from Ko’Olina. Victoria International Airport is about a 30 minute drive from the harbor. Transportation options direct from the harbor include the Coho Ferry to Port Angeles, WA, the Victoria Clipper Ferry to Seattle, WA, or a seaplane with Harbour Air. You can also head to Sydney, BC, about 30 minutes away, and take the BC Ferries to Tsawassen BC or (fingers crossed) the Washington State Ferry to Anacortes or Friday Harbor WA.

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/from the USA and Mexico. Ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Sept 3 – Sept 14, 2023 | Strait to Gate | Victoria, Canada – Sausalito, San Francisco Bay, California | 12 days, 11 nts | $5300
Focus: Coastal Cruising | PNW Exploration | Offshore Passagemaking


If you’re looking for a taste of the cruising lifestyle, this trip has it all. Spend the first few days inshore exploring Canada’s Gulf Islands and Washington’s Olympic Peninsula while everyone on board gets comfortable with sailing and handling Sea Dragon. Then, head out the Strait of Juan de Fuca into the open sea for an 800 mile passage down the coast to San Francisco. The weather could throw anything, but typically it should be a fast, fun downwind passage off the coast, full of migrating whales and dolphins. Finish your trip after coming under and alongside the Golden Gate Bridge.

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Start: Coal Harbour, Vancouver, British Columbia. You will join the boat between 1500-1700 on the first day.

End: Sausalito, San Francisco Bay, California. You will depart the boat at 1600 on the last day.

Due to the vagaries of weather in the North Pacific, it may be necessary to adjust the offshore passage timing – arriving early if weather demands departure from the Pacific Northwest early. If arriving early, you are welcome to stay aboard until day of departure to explore San Francisco!

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Vancouver International (YVR) is about 20 minutes away by car and also easily accessible by rail. San Francisco International (SFO) is about 45 minutes by car or 1 hour by bus and train from Sausalito. Oakland International (OAK) is about 1 hour by either car or transit. In addition, Amtrak has connecting service from downtown SF to it’s Emeryville depot, with trains to the rest of the country.

Passport & Visas: All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from the USA and Canada. Please note that many nationalities which can enter the US by air on the ESTA visa waiver program need a B1/B2 visa to enter by sea. If you are NOT from the USA, Canada, or Bermuda, you will likely need to get a B1/B2. An ESTA may be acceptable for entry into Washington – please contact us for details. Please note that if you are not a US or Canadian citizen, you will likely need to complete a Canadian ETA prior to traveling.

Sept 24 – Oct 6, 2023 | California Coast | San Francisco – Ensenada, Mexico | 13 days, 12 nights | $4700
Focus: Coastal Cruising | Coastal Exploration | Offshore Sailing

Sail the California Coast : San Francisco -Ensenada, Mexico

Sail the California Coast : San Francisco -Ensenada, Mexico

This trip is a great blend of inshore and offshore adventure. The longest passage is less than 48 hours, but you should get the full offshore experience with strong winds, open ocean exposure and overnight sailing. If you’ve been thinking about one of the longer trips, this is a great trial run. With stops in Half Moon Bay, Morro Bay, Catalina, and San Diego, you’ll have plenty of shore-side action – towns, wilderness, and everything in between. The final destination, Ensenada, has some favourite things – great hot sauce, great tacos, and the Valle de Guadalupe, home to vineyards that rival Napa in quality. This is the nicest time of year to be in California, so come join this journey down the coast!

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Start: Sausalito, San Francisco, California. You will join the boat between 1500-1700 on the first day. Everyone will come together for a first dinner on board and have the opportunity to get to know fellow crew members. After dinner, your professional crew will go through life on board and safety procedures in prep for departure the following morning. You’ll be fitted with your own lifejacket and assigned foul weather gear if you haven’t brought your own. Stay the night alongside.

Day 2: Sail to Half Moon Bay After a delicious breakfast, get underway down the coast to Half-Moon Bay – it’s a short sail, perfect for learning the ropes. Arrive early enough to be able to explore the small town before dinner. On anchor for the night.

Day 3: Sail To Morro Bay Get underway down the coast to Morro Bay. This is normally a great downwind sail with lots of whales. You’ll get to watch the sun set into the ocean off of Big Sur, and then settle in for the first overnight passage of the trip.

Day 4: Arrive in Morro Bay After our first overnight passage, we’ll arrive in Morro Bay mid-afternoon.

Day 5: Explore Morro Bay Spend the day exploring beautiful and quaint Morro Bay. You can wander through town or get out on the water using the paddle boards or renting kayaks.

Day 6: Depart Morro Bay for Catalina Leave Morro Bay in the morning for the longest sail of the trip to Catalina. It will be close to 200 miles of fast downwind sailing.

Day 7: Arrive Two Harbors, Catalina Island Arrive at beautiful Two Harbors on Catalina Island. Overnight on mooring.

Day 8: Explore Two Harbors, Catalina Island Have the day to explore the less visited harbor of Catalina. It will be up to you to choose to hike, swim, snorkel, chill on the beach, or a mixture of all. Overnight on mooring.

Day 9: Move to Avalon Cown the coast of Catalina to Avalon, the major town on the island, where we’ll have opportunity to explore ashore. Compared to Two Harbors this is bright lights big city!

Day 10: Sail to San Diego After a night on the mooring in Avalon, you’ll be up early to sail to San Diego. Keep a sharp lookout for dolphins and whales as we cross the channel to the mainland (one crossing we had a pod of Orcas feeding right next to us), then spend the night on the dock in San Diego.

Day 11: Clear Customs San Diego, sail to Mexico Clear customs out of the US before heading to Mexico. Get off the dock and continue passage down to Ensenada. This should be full of nice sailing and marine mammals. Arrive to spend the night on the dock at Marina Coral in Ensenada.

Day 12: Clear Customs in Mexico, Explore Ensenada After clearing through customs, have the afternoon to explore Ensenada – get some tacos, go wine tasting, or just soak in the hot tub at Hotel Coral!

End: Marina Coral, Ensenada, Mexico. Day 13: After a last breakfast together, it will be time to head home. You should plan to be off the boat by 0900.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: San Francisco International (SFO) is about 45 minutes by car or 1 hour by bus and train from Sausalito. Oakland International (OAK) is about 1 hour by either car or transit. In addition, Amtrak has connecting service from downtown SF to its Emeryville depot, with trains to the rest of the country.

San Diego International Airport (SAN) is about a 90-100 minute drive, and Tijuana International Airport (TIJ) is about a 70 minute drive north. Please be aware that north-bound border crossings can be slow. Hotel Coral can arrange an airport shuttle directly from the hotel to either airport, and Five Star Tours operates regular bus service from Ensenada to downtown San Diego.

Passport & Visas All crew members will require a passport and visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from the USA and Mexico. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel.

Nov 22 – Dec 5, 2023 | Baja Blast | San Diego, California – Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico | 14 days, 13 nts | $3300
before 31 Aug; then $4300

sail San Diego, California – Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

sail San Diego, California – Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Start in San Diego, sail out of the bay to the Pacific and head South. Visit the lively city of Ensenada and anchor in remote locations on the way to Cabo San Lucas. There will be day sailing, as well as a few overnight sailing legs. Keep your eyes open for marine life - at this time of year, the gray whales are migrating to this area to have their babies, and other marine mammals will be in the area as well!

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Start: Day 1: San Diego dock, California, USA. You will join the boat between 1500-1700. After picking your bunk and introductions, you and your crew will have your first dinner on board. You’ll all then get a brief from the Captain and begin boat briefings.

End: Day 14: Depart Sea Dragon by 1000 in Cabo San Lucas.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: SAN (San Diego International Airport) is a short ride from the harbour. We’ll let you know which Marina we’re at shortly before you join us.

Cabo San Lucas International Airport is a short taxi ride away from the harbour. You’ll be able to easily find a taxi once we arrive.

Passport & Visas: All crew members are responsible for their passport and necessary visas from their home country that will allow them to travel to/ from the USA and Mexico. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival into Mexico.

Please note that many nationalities which can enter the US via cruise ship or airplane on the ESTA waiver program cannot do so on a private vessel. If you are not a citizen of the US, Canada, or Bermuda you will likely need a B1/B2 visa. If you do not have a B1/B2, please contact to discuss further before making any travel arrangements or making a deposit. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

Jan 20 – Feb 11, 2024 | Galapagos Glide | Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico - Galapagos | 22 days, 21 nts | $5950
before 30 Sept; then $6950

Sail Cabo to Galapagos

Sail Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico to Galapagos islands

This trip is a blue water passage with time to explore both Cabo San Lucas and San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos. The sea lions of Cabo will wave you off and the sea lions of San Cristobal will greet you! The route will include an equator crossing, turning any pollywogs (someone who has never before crossed the Equator), into seasoned shellbacks (experienced sailors, especially who have crossed the equator)!

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Start: Day 1: Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico Meet Sea Dragon on the dock in Cabo San Lucas between 1500-1700. After picking your bunk and introductions, you and your crew will have your first dinner on board.

Day 2-3: Briefings/Exploration Cabo sailing

Day 4: Head to sea. Next stop, San Cristobal island, Galapagos!

Day 5-16: Underway offshore

Day 17: Arrive San Cristobal, anchor off the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Clearing customs and immigration.

Day 18-21: Explore ashore, San Cristobal. Blue and red footed boobies, frigate birds, marine iguanas, sea lions, tortoise, and many more creatures await. You can find adventures to suit all interests including hiking, snorkeling, birdwatching, and diving, as well as exploring the history of the islands. Sea Dragon will be at anchor with dinghy travel ashore.

End: Day 22: San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, Ecuador. Depart Sea Dragon by 0900.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Cabo San Lucas International Airport (CSL) is a short taxi ride away from the harbor.

San Cristobal Airport (SCY) is a short taxi from the anchorage.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond our arrival in the Galapagos. Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

Feb 18 – Feb 28, 2024 | Panama Passage | Galapagos - Panama | 11 days, 10 nts | $3300 before 30 Sept; then $4300
If you combine this voyage with the next trip, Canal Crossing, that trip is only $950.

Sail Galapagos to Panama

sail Galapagos to Panama

This trip is a blue water passage with a route that crosses the equator. We’ll toast to Neptune and any pollywogs (new sailors, crossing the equator for the first time) will now be shellbacks! There will be a bit of time to explore San Cristobal before departing, but if you’re keen to really see the island in depth, you should arrive a few days prior to boarding. End the trip in Panama City, which is definitely worth exploring, especially the old town. You can also stay on and combine with the Panama canal transit if you’re interested in seeing what the process is like.

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Start: Day 1: join Sea Dragon on the island of San Cristobal, boarding at 1500.

Day 2-3: Explore/Briefs Take a couple days to fully go through safety and boat briefings and have some time to explore the island.

Day 4: Departure Haul the anchor and set sail for Panama after a hearty breakfast.

Day 5-9: Underway Life and rhythm on Sea Dragon will quickly take shape around the watch schedule and life will be wonderfully simple and disconnected from the norm.

Day 10: Arrive Panama We’ll arrive in Panama City and anchor in the harbor. After clearing customs and immigration, go ashore to explore the old town and have a farewell dinner!

End: Day 11: Depart Sea Dragon You’ll need to leave the boat by 0900, unless you’re staying on to combine with the next trip to transit the canal too!

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: San Cristobal Airport (SCY) is a short taxi from the anchorage.

Tocumen Internacional Airport Panama (PTY) is about a 20 min taxi from Panama City.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond our arrival in the Panama.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

Feb 28 – Mar 7, 2024 | Canal Crossing | Panama City - Colon | 9 days, 8 nts | $1950 by Sept 30; then $2950.
only if combined with either Panama Passage or Cayman Cruise trip before or after.

Sail through the Panama Canal

Sail through the Panama Canal to colon

Join this transit through this magnificent feat of engineering! This divide between North and South America has been assisting ships and small craft for over 100 years. It is truly amazing to experience this manmade shortcut between oceans.

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Start: Day 1: Arrive at the boat on anchor in Panama City on the Pacific side of the canal.

Day 2-8: Canal Transit We won’t know the exact transit date until the boat arrives in Panama from the Galapagos, but when we do transit it will take two days. We’ll spend one night in Lake Gatun between the Pacific side and Caribbean side of the canal. There’s plenty to explore ashore in Panama City while we wait and once we’re on the other side, some wonderful jungle to hike through.

End: Day 9: Depart Leave the boat at Shelter Bay Marina on the Caribbean side of the canal.

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Tocumen Internacional Airport Panama (PTY) is about a 20 min taxi from Panama City and 90 min from Colon.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond canal crossing dates.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

Mar 7 - Mar 22, 2024 | Cayman Cruise | Colon, Panama - Key West, Florida | 17 days, 16 nts | $3950 by Sept 30; then $4950.
only for previous trip, Canal Crossing, if combined with this voyage.

sail Colon, Panama to Key West, Florida

This trip has two blue water passages full of warm Caribbean sailing: Join at Shelter Bay Marina to sail to Key West, with a stop at Grand Cayman. Visiting dates in Cayman will align with the moon cycle to kayak one of the world’s bioluminescent bays - each stroke of the paddle or touch illuminates the water! Known for its superb underwater world, Cayman is a playground for divers and snorkellers alike: fancy a swim with friendly stingrays in the shallow North Sound? With plenty of white sand beaches and warm water in the Caribbean sun, and the trade winds for a perfect spot to rent a hobie cat to sail along the shore, stay then set sail for the second leg to Key West. Why not join earlier to transit the Panama Canal?

+ More Details - click here

Start: Day 1: Arrive Sea Dragon Join the boat at Shelter Bay Marina in Panama between 1500-1700. Night on the dock.

Day 2: Safety Briefings/Exploration Today is a day for going through safety briefings and getting prepped to set sail. You’ll also have some time to hang at the pool, have a wander through the jungle to the beach, or have a last meal or cold drink ashore. Night on the dock.

Day 3: Set Sail to Cayman Today is the day for big blue! It’s time to go sailing and we’ll get underway for the 600NM passage in the morning.

Day 4-6: Underway Life and rhythm on Sea Dragon will quickly take shape around the watch schedule and life will be wonderfully simple and disconnected from the norm.

Day 7: Arrive Grand Cayman We’ll tie up to a mooring off of George Town.

Day 8-10: Exploration There are so many things that the island offers. Options include swimming with sting rays in the north sound, snorkeling/diving, relaxing on the beach, night kayak in bioluminescent bay, and much more!

Day 11: Set Sail to Key West
After a wonderful few days spent in Cayman, we’ll untie from the mooring and set sail for the 550NM to Key West.

Day 12-14: Underway Riding the Gulf Stream to Key West: The sailing will be fast and exciting on this leg! Everyone will be much quicker to settle in on this second leg of the trip.

Day 15: Arrive Key West We will clear into the US and have free time to fill as you wish.

Day 16: Exploration ashore Take in a sunset with the performers in Mallory Square or a nice meal ashore at the southernmost point in the US, museums, good food, bike rentals, and the teal colored water are all equally a draw here!

End: Day 17: Depart Sea Dragon You will leave the boat by 0900 at Stock Island Marina, Key West

Covid: Protocol information is included in the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Connections: Tocumen International Airport Panama (PTY) is about 90 min from Shelter Bay Marina. Key West Airport is a short taxi or Uber ride from Stock Island Marina Village.

Passport & Visas: All Crew members are responsible for their own passports and any necessary visas. You must have at least 6 months remaining on your passport beyond arrival in Key West.

Please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.

Enquire for full itinerary and further information.

Terms & Conditions

What's Included?
– Trip nights accommodation on board
– All meals (vegetarian), snacks, and drinks on board
– Sailing Instruction
– Safety equipment and foul weather gear
– Use of paddle boards in port
– Mask, snorkel, fins

What’s not included?
– Transportation to or from starting and end dock points.
– Transportation from or to airports local to starting or end docks.
– Additional nights spent ashore
– Personal expenses
– Personal travel insurance
– Personal visa or medical requirements

These are not trips for the infirm or physically unfit – you MUST be able to go up and down the companionway and move safely about the boat while in rough conditions, have good balance, and be in reasonably good health.

- Deposit is usually $500 non-refundable as per crew contract with balance payable 2 months in advance of trip, transferable or refundable in the event of forced cancellation or modification to trip.
- Cross-border trips require a passport with at least 6 months validity and potentially visas from your home country.
- Many nationalities which can enter the US by air on the ESTA visa waiver program need a B1/B2 visa to enter by sea (likely if you are NOT from USA, Canada or Bermuda).
- You must have appropriate paperwork completed before joining the vessel, or you will not be allowed to board.
- You are responsible for ensuring that you have insurance to cover shore-based medical treatment, rescue, and medical evacuation if required. You may want to check with your provider to ensure you will be covered for offshore sailing and in international waters (if applicable to your expedition) and cover for medical emergency.
- Full terms and conditions Crew Contract supplied when booking.